
Scan Clients


The 64 Bit Performance Booster

High performance becomes maximum performance: this intuitively operated 64 bit premium scan client fully utilizes the potential of your SCAMAX® production scanner.

InoTec production scanners rank among the most powerful on the ECM market. With SCAMAX®scan+ they reach their peak performance. This cost-effective premium scan client in familiar MS Office look-and-feel makes the entire scope of scanner functions available even at top scanning speed and it can be easily integrated in existing document and content management systems. For the most efficient and highest-quality scanning projects of all sizes.


SCAMAX®scan vs. SCAMAX®scan+

SCAMAX®scan+ is the premium version of the SCAMAX®scan basic scan client included in the purchase price of every SCAMAX® scanner. Subject to a licensing fee, SCAMAX®scan+ includes numerous expanded functions and image processing options.


Intel Core i7, 8 GB working memory,
graphic card 1 GB memory,
2 GB free hard disk memory for the software environment, SSD hard disk as temporary scanning image memory

Operating systems supported:
Windows 7 / 8.x / 10 / 11

Function SCAMAX®scan SCAMAX®scan+
Single scan / batch scan
Dual stream / Multi stream
Second TWAIN source
Max. pages displayed 2 8
Thumbnail view / tree view
Freely definable shortcuts
Freely configurable project templates up to 2
Use of scan counters
Blank page detection via scanner info or post scan
Deletion marker for detected blank pages or manual
1D / 2D barcode recognition via integrated engines**
Character recognition via integrated Tesseract OCR Engine V5
4 hierarchy levels possible in the scan stack (stack > package > document > page)
Package/document separation via scanner (barcode / patch / counter)
Internal package/document separation (barcode / OCR / manual / etc.)
Indexing via scanner information, barcode, OCR and manual
Manual image processing (post scan)
Output as TIFF, multipage TIFF, JPEG
Output of additional image formats
Output of various PDF and PDF/A formats incl. MRC compression
Output files: index, signal, TXT, XML, etc.
Customizing possible via PowerShell script
Export process manager in the background (tasks of its own)
Output to conventional DMS / ECM systems
Statistic module
Docking windows
Easy import / export of project templates
Free updates(1)
Digital license or hardware dongle (optional)


Codabar, Code 128, Code 32, Code 39, Code 93, Data Matrix, EAN 13, EAN 8, Interleaved 2/5, Patchcode, PDF417, Postnet, Plus 2, Plus 5, QR Code, UPC A, UPC E

(1) within a main version

User Interface

Clearly arranged for intuitive operation

The multilingual program surface in office design offers easily understandable
symbols and a freely definable quick function toolbar. Move the cursor over the flashing squares to discover the user-friendly interface of our premium scan client.

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SCAMAX® scan+

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