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Scanner News and Know-how
3. September 2014


Saving time and money with quality

User Short Story:
Digital document capturing in media monitoring

„With Germany’s largest media database, we inform our customers about the advertising activities of their competitors. Up to 2,000 new print motifs are added daily. Efficient document capture in high image quality is thus of central importance to us. Before acquiring two new high-performance scanners we analyzed the overall operating costs in detail. At first glance, the SCAMAX® scanners appeared to be more expensive, but solely because of their automatic, highly functional edge detection capacity they save us over 70 hours working time per month. That represents a cost advantage of over 10,000 euros per year. And whereas a rival product required 1,800 euros per year for wearing parts, the parts for the SCAMAX® scanner amounted to merely 200 euros. Besides, the latter delivered twice the resolution of its predecessor for the identical scanning time.“

Carsten Koster, General Manager AdVision Digital GmbH


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