
Scanner News and Know-how
10. May 2021


The more standardized the scanning process, the less scanning staff is needed

User shortstory:
The scanning service mdn Hübner GmbH streamlines its digitization projects with SCAMAX® scanners and significantly saves scanning staff.

„As a scanning service, we scan, digitize and archive tens of millions of documents every year for our customers, e.g. banks or city councils: audit-proof and data protection-compliant. Our goal is always to standardize the digitization processes as far as possible. The SCAMAX® 4×3 has proven to be ideal for this, as it processes even heterogeneous document qualities and file structures in homogeneous, standardized scanning processes: reliably, in the best image quality and with high performance. This allows us to organize the deployment of our scanning staff with maximum efficiency, from which we and our customers benefit equally.“

Peter Hübner, Managing Director
mdn Hübner GmbH


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